Millstatt Abbey

It is one of the most important Romanesque buildings in the state of Carinthia.

About this building

The Millstatt Abbey was founded by Benedictine monks in the 11th century. The building was left in a poor state after the Turk campaign in 1478. In the 18th century, the Pope Clement XIV dissolved the order and the monks had to leave the abbey which became the property of the public administration of Habsburg Monarchy.

The parish church has preserved its Romanesque structure as well as some decorative elements. 

The abbey church is now owned by the local parish of the Gurk diocese, while the rest of the monastery buildings are property of the Austrian State. 

Other nearby buildings

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Watschiger Toleranzbethaus

The Watschiger Toleranzbethaus is a Protestant church built in 1782, it was the second Toleranzbethaus built in stone in Carinthia and the oldest preserved. Toleranzbethäuser were Protestant churches built after 1781 on the basis of the tolerance patent of Emperor Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire.

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St. James Church

The church of St. James was first mentioned in the 12th century. The church was rebuilt twice after earthquakes in 1348 and 1690. In 1944, the 16th-century glass paintings and the church roof were destroyed. Complete restorations were carried out in the second half of the 20th century.